Looking for fine wallpaper or textiles for your home? If so, turn to Color Design – a studio that features a wide variety of gorgeous home textiles, upholstery, wall hangings, wallpaper and more.
Specializing in residential and commercial projects for individuals who long for the best craftsmanship and artistic quality available on the market when it comes to interior design and their implementation, this delightful young company is always searching for the best suppliers and manufacturers across Europe. Focusing on well known and big brands as well as traditional manufacturers and small craft workshops that use exclusive materials and techniques, Color Design offers a wide range of fine textiles for windows (including atypical hand crafted poles and rails for curtains), upholstery for chairs, fine bedding, rich patterned wallpaper, premium carpets, and more. Color Design was founded in 2007 in Prague by MgA. Jana Medková, a graduate of UMPRUM in Prague – the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design. With varied experience in the field of fashion design and decor in the United States and at home in the Czech Republic as well as fashion director and stylist for magazines such as Decor Dolce Vita and Elle, Medková is no stranger to the importance of good visual design. Her super attention to detail, combined with being in the know about current trends in fashion and design, her love of traditional crafts, and striving for perfect implementation/craftsmanship have helped to make Color Design what it is today. Head to Color Design today and find the perfect textiles, wallpaper, etc. to help create the interior of your dreams.