Písnice Elementary School with Extended Language Program

If you are looking for an elementary school suitable for your children in the area of Libuše, consider the Meteorologicka Elementary School, which features an interesting combination of traditional and alternative methods of education and a wide selection of extracurricular activities.
The school strongly believes that children are naturally curious and tries to offer its pupils conditions for individual learning and growth and for the use of the acquired knowledge in daily life. From the 1st to the 4th grade, the pupils and their parents can choose between two types of classes: Amos and Montessori. While the Amos classes offer a more traditional way of learning with a fixed timetable and evaluation by means of grades, the Montessori classes offer verbal assessment and focus on project learning and integrated learning whose content and used equipment is chosen in cooperation with the children. In both types of classes children attend English classes starting in the first grade and can pick a second foreign language in the fourth grade.
The Meteorologicka Elementary School also runs an after-school and before-school activity program, a school canteen with a choice between two main courses and various kinds of extra-curricular activities including English, chess, ceramics and theater courses, plus health gymnastics courses. The school campus includes a playground which can be used by the pupils, for example, during the after-school program. Sign your kids up for the Meteorologicka Elementary School and let them be educated according to the school’s motto "curiosity, understanding, enjoyment, cooperation, responsibility".