
Outdoor Activities and Venues for Children

All curious children who love the natural environment will be thrilled to discover the Všeználek club. Children from Všeználek meet outdoors in Prague and its vicinity in all weather conditions to better learn about the environment.

Children are accompanied on their outdoor adventures by Zdeňka „Květuška“ Hrubá, a long-time teacher of nature programs for children and adults, and Pavlína Štěpánková, a teacher of nature programs for children and a popular teacher at the Semínko ecological kindergarten. Together with the children they explore and observe both the visible and invisible environments, listen to its various sounds and discover their meanings, and tell stories about its various creatures. Children learn in a natural way to respect nature and protect it, and to search for beauty in places where they would hardly find it in the world of consumerism. Children who love Všeználek are versatile and inquisitive and like to try new things.

Všeználek also organizes suburban camps in the vicinity of Prague, designated for children between 3 and 9 years of age, in which the children set off for adventurous holiday expeditions. They observe local flora and fauna and explore new places including those located off of the marked trails. Children also dance, sing, cook, and enjoy a lot of fresh air and exercise – not to mention the many outdoor adventures– at these camps.

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