If you are looking for a reputable interior design company to create the bachelor’s pad of your dreams, turn to Stag Pads.
This developing company offers great interior design exclusively for men; it is their goal to offer services of the upmost highest quality, all in order for you to enjoy your surroundings and even up the value of your apartment. The Junior (with 2 years + experience) and Senior (with 5 years + experience) interior designers at Stag Pads can help you create your dream home or office – the end product will be a space for you with maximum style, implemented using innovative design and unexpected solutions. Regardless of whether you desire a complete renovation or just a minor modification, the talented and reliable interior designers at Stag Pads are happy to assist. Based on your budget and your requirements, Stag Pad offers three different types of services which you can choose from: Full Service (create an account, tell the designers as much as you want / what you would like done – all in order to be on the same wavelength as one another, schedule an appointment, get a proposal, and simply wait for the apartment of your dreams!), Online Service (convenient online service for those all over the world with fees based on the number of square meters. One room – CZK 3,400. Small apt. (25 sqm - 50 sqm) CZK 5,400. Mid-range apt. (51 sqm - 75 sqm) CZK 7,400. Large apt. / house (more than 76 m²) CZK 10,400. The fees include the proposal / mood board and a shopping list of goods that can all be purchased online and delivered directly to your home – the cost of furniture is not included), and a One-Day Style Session (includes 4 hours of design w/ Junior Designer (CZK 7,000), Senior Designer (CZK 8,500). You will receive a mood board, apartment plan, shopping list, and exclusive business discounts. Services include styling, creating a gallery wall, forming a library, color scheme discussion.). If you are looking to change up your current home or office, or are starting from scratch and need assistance decorating a new place, take advantage of the professional interior design services from Stag Pads.