You can furnish your home not only according to your ideas and taste, but also in harmony with the principles of the ancient Chinese philosophy Feng Shui with the help of the Černák Interior Design that has been dealing with Feng Shui teaching for more than seven years.
At Černák Interior Design they work with energies and their impact on man. The company’s experts will help you choose such interior furnishings and accessories, so that you feel truly at home and the energies in your home can flow uninterruptedly. It is important to select not only a suitable design of furniture and accessories, but also material, shapes and colors. However, it is important firstly to determine your typology on the basis of which you will be assessed as sanguine, melancholic, choleric or phlegmatic, since each of these types requires different arrangements of space, materials and colors. Based on this typology it is possible to determine what makes us happy and fills us with energy in order to arrange the interior accordingly in compliance with Feng Shui energies (wood, fire, earth, metal and water). It is of course necessary to take into account the immediate function of the relevant space – whether it is supposed to have a relaxing effect or rather stimulate us towards activity.
If you are going to sell your apartment, it is always the right time to consult Černák Interior Design – Home Staging, which is based on Feng Shui principles and will help you prepare the given space so that it looks attractive for potential buyers of your real estate.