Disemo s.r.o. offers its professional services in the areas of interior design and installation not only to owners of family houses and apartments, but also to big clients, such as hotels and restaurants. Disemo will not only design the interior for you, but also supply all furniture at various price levels according to the taste and wishes of each individual customer.
You can have a look at the wide range of high-quality and luxury furniture of international brands at Disemo’s showroom in Prague’s Vinohrady, as well as on the company’s website. Disemo is the only exclusive distributor of the prestigious Italian brand Angelo Cappellini in the Czech Republic and cooperates closely also with many other Italian producers of classic and modern furniture, producers of bathroom furniture and light fixtures. Disemo offers such brands as Morassutti, Scappini & C, Birex, Oggi, Coleccion Alexandra, Notte Brava, Arrex, Mobillegno, Modenese Gastone, Dall Agnese, Dellarovere and many others.
With over twenty years of experience on the Czech market and a great amount of satisfied customers including private clients, big companies and hotels, Disemo continues to satisfy customers with their highest quality of services. Let us name just a few from the large number of the company’s clients: Felix Zawojski Hotel and Hotel Carlsbad Plazza in Karlovy Vary, Golf Resort apartment, Hotel Štekl Hluboká and many other private apartments and residences.